Friday, May 25, 2007


So ends my first experience as a blogger....

It was more work than I bargained for, but a fun challenge to take on. I will leave this site up for a few more weeks and then save the entire file as a PDF, which I'll post to my main website. I may throw some more photos into the PDF as well. I took 1000 pictures, which is below the average number taken by our group. Some people took over 3,000!

A tip for anyone reading this.... the posts are chronological, so to get the most out of it, start at the "end" (Day 1) and work backwards. I think it's interesting to see how my perspectives and the group dynamics changed over time.

Comments are welcome, especially from other members of the group who are reading this after the fact!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great blog Barry - nice to re-live the trip through someone else's eyes. Hope we can all get together for a reunion in a month or so to share photos...